
I am a kitty, a student who has an unhealthy obsession with making things out of duct tape and yarn.  My posts are about what I make out of duct tape, tape, or yarn or what I see that is made out of duct tape, tape, or yarn.  I knit and crochet, and I math and science in my spare time.

Some people may wonder about my title, as it only seems to suggest my blog is about duct tape.  Kittens love to play with yarn, so a duct tape kitty is the ultimate kitty I could have!

My friend Airwhaler may make occasional appearances on the blog.  She indeed does airwhale, which explains the origin of her name.  If you want to know what airwhaling is, please leave a comment on one of her posts.  Airwhaler is a knitter and crocheter, although she focuses more on being the latter.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment anywhere; I will respond, I promise.  You can also email me at theducttapekitty@gmail.com.