Thursday, September 12, 2013

Salamander Duct Tape Sticker

I decided to make a duct tape sticker because my friend wanted to have a salamander on her folder.  I can not draw very well, so I decided to create a sticker for her in the shape of a salamander.  She had also mentioned liking red salamanders, and I had some red duct tape left over from the summer.

Duct tape stickers are generally easy to make, and in addition to duct tape, I needed some clear package tape to use as the backing from which the sticker is peeled off.  It is hard to see in the picture below, but I taped two pieces of package tape horizontally on a regular sheet of paper, with one below the other and the two pieces overlapping in the middle.

To create the sticker, I cut a piece of duct tape that fit on the package tape surface I created.

On the back of the piece of paper, I sketched the outline of a salamander.  I made sure the entire salamander was drawn on top of the piece of duct tape that was on the other side.

I cut out the salamander.

The only problem with the sticker was that it was difficult to separate from the backing I made.  The next time I make one, I will be sure to include a lip from which I can peel off the sticker.  It took me at least five minutes to separate the duct tape from the package tape.  It might also be easier to use wax paper as the backing instead of package tape.

On the folder
To finish, I drew an eye on the salamander using a permanent marker.  The sticker looks pretty cool, and I might decorate my own folders with duct tape stickers!

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