Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Fix the Keeper on a Watch

I wear a watch everyday, and the rubber keeper, from constant use and fiddling, broke a few days ago.  Instead of buying another keeper or a whole other watch, I used duct tape to solve the problem.  I made a duct tape keeper, which I think is even better than the rubber one that it came with.

To make the keeper, I cut off a small piece of duct tape and lay it horizontal, with the nice, even, smooth edges on the left and right.

About 1.5 inches in height
 I rolled up the piece of duct tape, starting from the bottom.  The piece I initially folded over was very thin so the keeper would not turn out very thick and ugly.

How thin the initial fold should be
Finished piece
To figure out how big the keeper needed to be, I made a loop around the watch strap with the rolled piece of duct tape.  The second strap was able to slide through with no problem.  I also made sure that the loop was tight enough so the second strap would not fall out, and the keeper would not slide down.

To join the two ends of the rolled piece of duct tape, I cut a very thin piece of duct tape and then cut it in half again.

About how thin the piece should be
I looped the piece of duct tape around the ends of the rolled tape to create the keeper.  Once I was finished, I put it on my watch.  It was a little hard to slide the keeper over the metal buckle since I made it very tight, but once I got it on, it worked great!

Finished keeper
The duct tape keeper, I think, is better than the rubber keeper I initially had on my watch.  The rubber one was very loose and would often slide down, leaving the second strap poking out.  Because I made the duct tape keeper really tight, it stays in place, and the second strap never falls out.  It is also flat, and when I put my wrist down on the table, I no longer feel a bump digging into my wrist as I did before with the rubber keeper.

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